Tarena H. Here's my story. Yes, my Dad was a smoker. But he had stopped for 20+ years ago. He died from lung cancer 2 years ago at the age of 83. Last week my 69 year old husband was diagnosed with Non-Smoker Lung Cancer! My husband has worked around aviation
Tara L. My mother was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer in October 2014. She found a lump under her left arm - if it weren't for that lump, we would never have known the degree.
Tara C. My mother, Lauren, was diagnosed with stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer, January 31st, 2017.
Tammy B.
Tammy B. As many people have termed it, my diagnosis of metastatic lung cancer was every single mother's worst nightmare and came out of the blue.
Tammie M. In October of 2018, I began struggling with what I thought was an upper respiratory infection. After multiple trips to urgent care, I was told they could no longer treat me.
Tammey H. I was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer in Dec. 2017. The treatment was brutal, as most people know but the cancer also caused several other illnesses. The side effects of lung cancer and all of the chemotherapy and radiation, were severe. I had a
Tabatha H. I have chosen to share my story to help society become more aware of how lung disease affects so many people -- especially in my family and possibly myself.
Suzanne A. July 2010 is when I got a diagnosis that I never would have thought possible.
Suzana B. My father one day in September had swollen fingers and feet and felt ok. He went to a cardiologist and pulmologist. They were treating him for rheumatoid arthritis for six months. After severe bone pain, my father was told one month ago that it was n
Su W. I never thought I would be a lung cancer patient having never smoked and done all the "right" things to be healthy and live a long life. So you can imagine the shock of hearing "you have stage IV lung cancer" three years ago.
Susan W. Hi, I'm Susan, and six years ago I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer that had spread to my lymph nodes and adrenal gland, and had gone undetected for 5-7 years. I never smoked, and I felt fine (except for an allergy-like cough). So, hearing that
Susan T. Three years ago I felt sick with what I believed was my annual case of bronchitis. So, when I went to see my physician to get my medicine, I didnâ'TMt think it would be anything different than previous trips to the doctor. However, when the doctor su
Susan S. I am a life-long asthma sufferer and have been diagnosed with my share of respiratory infections. I was diagnosed with yet another respiratory infection in October of 2006.
Susan M. First, I am so thankful to have the opportunity to share my story. I truly believe that God has directed me to share it and try to help just one person.