Healthy Air Initiatives

We advocate for strong policies to clean up air pollution and curb climate change.

Imagine a future where every child has clean, safe air to breathe. The United States has made great progress in cleaning up air pollution thanks to strong clean air laws. But too many communities still have dangerous levels of pollution in the air they breathe, putting kids at risk of asthma attacks and long-term lung damage. And climate change is creating unprecedented challenges for air quality. We all need to push for policies in Washington, DC that curb climate change and achieve clean air for all.

Take Action Now

Call on your leaders now to ensure healthy air for all to breathe.

Share Your Story

Do you or a loved one have a lung disease that puts you at risk? Do you have trouble breathing outside on smoggy days? Tell us about it and help our nation’s leaders understand why healthy air is so important.
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Are You a Health Professional?

Are you a physician, nurse, respiratory therapist or other health professional concerned about the health impacts of air pollution and climate change? We need your expert voice. Join our community of Health Professionals for Clean Air and Climate Action.
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Help is on the Way: Clean Air Protections Across the Finish Line

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Stronger Pollution Standards

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Cleaner Vehicles and Electricity

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Healthy and Efficient Homes

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Cutting Methane and Cleaning Up Oil and Gas

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Cleaning Up Power Plants

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Air Quality & Health Impacts of Wildfire and Prescribed Fire

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Electric School Buses: Make the Switch

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About the Healthy Air Campaign

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Healthy Air News

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More Clean Air Resources from the Lung Association

Learn about Air Pollution and Climate Change

How does air pollution impact the lungs? Why is climate change a health threat? Get the facts with our science-based information on clean air.
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State of the Air

How does the quality of the air you breathe impact your health? Who is most at risk from air pollution? Find out in our annual “State of the Air” report.
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Page last updated: September 10, 2024

Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Parma, OH
Parma, OH | Aug 20, 2024
Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Cleveland, OH
Cleveland, OH | Sep 25, 2024