Debra F. On December 24, 2002 my father was diagnosed with lung cancer. He was treated with chemo and radiation but died on June 7, 2003. That day changed my family's life forever.
Deborah W. Sitting in the surgeon's office waiting to be called, my cigarette lay in the ashtray emitting a stream of steady blue grey smoke drifting into the small waiting area. Having a mass in my left breast had brought me to his office. The door to the wait
Deborah W. My husband found out he had lung cancer after trying to fight a cold. First the doctor told him he had a bad cold. It would not go away and turned into pneumonia.
Deborah S. I thought I was healthy.
Deborah N. About ten years ago, my younger sister called me and said her arm had "stopped working."
Deborah M. They immediately set up two needle biopsies, and found cancer in both of my lungs. I had aggressive radiation on the two bigger spots (both very small) and 3 weeks later, had a CT scan to check the how the spots reacted to the radiation.
Deborah D. I have exercise induced asthma exacerbated by heat. I probably have asthma because my mom smoked her entire pregnancy.
Deborah C. A few days before my 48th birthday, I was diagnosed with malignant melanoma. Luckily it was caught early enough that it didn't require chemo or radiation. However, a PET scan revealed a nodule in my lung.
Debby E. On August 8, 2015, we lost the pillar of our family, my mom. She passed away after a tough 14-month battle with Stage 4 Nonsmokers Lung Cancer.
Debbie S. On Sept. 11, 2012, I experienced chest pains which were diagnosed as acid reflux. Chest pains require a chest x-ray, which showed a shadow on my left lung.
Debbie P. My Name is Debbie. On March 4, 2013, I went into my doctors' office thinking I would be getting my work release after being off for a week due to pneumonia.
Debbie L. On December 17, 2003 i was diagnosed with Stage 3 NSCLC. I had 2/3 of my right lung removed and over the next 6 months received radiation and chemo. I had all the side effects and was told I still only had a 5-15% chance of survival. I never had a si
Debbie A. I was diagnosed first in December 2009. I was staged as 3b, my tumor was large, in my right lung in all three lobes. The tumor was near my esophagus and growing towards my heart. Because at the time the five-year survival rate was under 10%, I chose
Deb B. Deb was not a stranger to cancer. At 38, she was diagnosed with stage one uterine cancer and given a good prognosis. However, 14 years later in 2008, cancer metastasized through her system and she was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer.
Deanna K. My primary physician urged me to have the lung screening, so I had it done. I was sent to a lung doctor to speak with him since there was an area of concern. He then recommended a pet scan, however after having that done the area had gotten smaller.