National Advocacy Archive

Find testimony, comments, letters, and legal briefs the American Lung Association has submitted to Congress and federal agencies in support of our public policy agenda.

Oct 06, 2023

Health orgs’ letter to President Biden on cars and particulate matter

Oct 03, 2023

Statement for the Record for House Ways and Means Committee re No Surprise Act

Sep 29, 2023

Comments from Health Organizations on Iron and Steel Manufacturing Facilities

Sep 28, 2023

Coalition Letter in Support of Helping Tobacco Users Quit Act

Sep 26, 2023

Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Consumer Water Heaters

Sep 25, 2023

Tobacco Partners Letter to FDA re: JUUL2 PMTA and TPSAC

Sep 21, 2023

Comments on Copper Smelters from National Health Organizations

Sep 21, 2023

Health Groups Amicus Brief to Supreme Court - Loper

Sep 20, 2023

Letter to Senate HELP Committee Opposing Use of Prevention Fund

Sep 20, 2023

Patient Groups’ Letter to CMS re Medicare Prescription Payment Plan Part 1

Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Parma, OH
Parma, OH | Aug 20, 2024
Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Cleveland, OH
Cleveland, OH | Sep 25, 2024