National Advocacy Archive

Find testimony, comments, letters, and legal briefs the American Lung Association has submitted to Congress and federal agencies in support of our public policy agenda.

Apr 10, 2024

Letter from Health Groups on FY25 CDC Environmental Health Funding

Apr 10, 2024

Letter from Health Groups on FY25 EPA Funding

Apr 08, 2024

Public health support for zero-emission truck standards

Apr 05, 2024

Motion to Intervene – Annual PM Standard

Apr 01, 2024

American Lung Association FY25 Appropriations Priorities

Mar 27, 2024

PPC Comments re Arkansas 1115 Demonstration

Mar 26, 2024

CDC Coalition Letter to Congress re FY25 Funding Request

Mar 26, 2024

Comments from Health Groups to EPA on Methane Waste Emissions Charge

Mar 25, 2024

Comments on EPA’s Proposed Standards for Large Municipal Waste Combustors

Mar 21, 2024

Ad from 123 groups urging President Biden to Finalize the Menthol Cigarette Rule

Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Parma, OH
Parma, OH | Aug 20, 2024
Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Cleveland, OH
Cleveland, OH | Sep 25, 2024