Shared Air Quality Stories
I have severe asthma and last September was diagnosed with two pulmonary embolisms. The embolisms have dissolved now thanks to blood thinners, but ...
My youngest daughter Ashanti has struggled with asthma since she was 6-years-old. When a bad case of bronchitis just wouldn’t get better, I t...
I just moved to Chicago last fall, and since then, I have had trouble breathing....
My two sons Remington, 4, and Ruger, 3, look healthy and perfect, so it’s hard to explain to other parents, teachers and even medical profess...
The Sierra Club issued a report on April 30th, 2014, indicating that Kern County & Bakersfield City has the worst air in the nation. Furthermor...
I’ve been reading the stories posted by other parents who, like I am, are raising children with asthma. Many of us have experiences that are ...
My next door neighbor began burning wood for heat in a wood stove. Our homes are close together, and our property, cars and even the inside of our ...
I am 55 years old and have four children, three grandchildren, and a husband to whom I have been married almost 34 years. I also am a severe asthma...
I was so surprised to learn that only one city in my state had clean air. I think as one of the largest states on the coast with a reputation for f...
My father passed away from COPD as a result of an infection acquired during surgery performed in Kolkata, India where the air has a high level of p...
I am Montana artist. I sell my work at shops, galleries and throughout the region, but much of my livelihood is from art festivals. Every summer I ...
I am a respiratory therapist at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Every day I see children struggling to breathe. None of us can exist without ...
I spend a lot of time outdoors, because I bike and walk almost everywhere I go.Bad air quality affects me directly. I don't like the burning feelin...
My wife, best friend, and neighbor all have asthma....
My eight-year-old Lincoln has developed asthma because of the poor air quality here in Denton. We moved to Denton so I could finish my undergraduate d...