American Lung Association's #MyCleanAirStory Promotion OFFICIAL RULES

Important: Please read these Official Rules before entering this online  promotion (the “Promotion”). By participating in the Promotion, you agree to be  bound by these Official Rules and represent that you satisfy all of the eligibility requirements below. 


 1.         Sponsor. The Sponsor of the Promotion is the American Lung Association, 55 West Wacker Drive, Suite 1150, Chicago, IL 60601.

2.         Eligibility. PURCHASE, PAYMENT OR FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION WILL NOT INCREASE ODDS OF WINNING. PROMOTION VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. PROMOTION OPEN ONLY TO INDIVIDUALS RESIDING IN ANY OF THE FIFTY (50) UNITED STATES OR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (THE “TERRITORY”) WHO ARE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD (OR THE AGE OF MAJORITY UNDER APPLICABLE LAW) AS OF JULY 29, 2020. IF YOU DO NOT MEET ANY OF THESE REQUIREMENTS, OR ANY OTHER ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS IN THESE OFFICIAL RULES, YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO WIN A PRIZE, AND SPONSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT NOT TO AWARD A PRIZE TO YOU. To be eligible to win a prize, entries must be completed and received by Sponsor in the format designated below. Directors, officers and employees of Sponsor, Research Products Corporation (Aprilaire) and any of their respective subsidiaries, agents, professional advisors, consultants, advertising and promotional agencies, and immediate family members (spouse, parent, child, sibling, and their respective spouses), and persons living in the same household (whether related or not), of each are not eligible to win a prize. All applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations apply.

3.  Promotion Period. The Promotion starts at 12:00:01 a.m. Central Daylight Time on July 29, 2020 and ends at 11:59:59 p.m. Central Daylight Time on September 27, 2020 (the “Promotion Period”). Sponsor’s computers will serve as the official time keeping device. All entries must be received during the Promotion Period to be eligible to win a prize.

4. Prizes. One (1) winner will receive the following grand prize (the “Grand Prize”): a Whole-Home Indoor Air Quality upgrade of the Aprilaire Healthy Air SystemTM valued at up to $5,000 and includes up to the following installed equipment following an assessment by a partner HVAC professional. 

  • Evaporative or Steam Humidifier,
  • And or Dehumidifier, 
  • And or Air Purifier,
  • And or Equipment Control & Thermostat

The maximum retail value of the Grand Prize is $5,000 and is to be installed in the Territory. In addition, nine (9) runners-up will receive the following runner-up prize (the “Runner-Up Prize”): an Aprilaire Allergy True HEPA Air Purifier (model AP9559A) (shipping included within the Territory). The approximate retail value of each Runner-Up Prize is $549. The winner of the Grand Prize must complete installation by December 11, 2020, and a home assessment is required prior to installation. If it is not feasible to install the Grand Prize in the Grand Prize winner’s home for any reason, the winner of the Grand Prize will instead be offered a Runner-Up Prize and a runner-up winner for whom the Grand Prize can be installed will be offered the Grand Prize.

5. How to Enter. Participants may enter by posting a photograph or a video (no longer than 2 minutes) on Instagram or Twitter during the Promotion Period that reflects on the health impacts of clean air and climate change. All entries must be tagged with #MyCleanAirStory and @LungAssociation. In addition, participants must complete the entry form located at during the Promotion Period for each social media post to be entered in the Promotion. Failure to submit all required information in the manner set forth in these Official Rules and/or the entry form may result in disqualification. Proof of entry will not be deemed to be proof of receipt of entry by Sponsor. All entrants and entries are subject to verification by Sponsor. Entries will not be acknowledged or returned. There is no limit to the number of entries per person. 

6.  Photographs and Videos. All photographs and videos submitted for the Promotion, as well as the text associated therewith (“Social Media Posts”) must be original work of the entrant and must be the property of the entrant. If a Social Media Post depicts an identifiable person(s), the entrant must obtain, prior to submission, a release signed by such person(s) (or, in the case of a minor, his or her parent or legal guardian). By submitting an entry in the Promotion, an entrant represents and warrants that the Social Media Posts submitted by such entrant will not infringe any copyright or trademark rights or violate any rights of privacy or publicity. Social Media Posts that contain obscene, defamatory, sexually explicit, or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate content will be disqualified in Sponsor’s sole discretion.

7. Judging Criteria. One (1) potential Grand Prize winner and nine (9) potential Runner-Up Prize winners will be selected based on: creativity, understanding of the issues concerning the health impacts of clean air and climate change, and overall impact of the Social Media Posts. The potential winners will be notified by email, or Instagram or Twitter private message on or about September 28, 2020. To claim a prize, a winner must follow the instructions and comply with the conditions contained in his or her notification. In the event that not enough potential winners respond to Sponsor’s attempts to contact them or are otherwise disqualified such that Sponsor is unable to award all the prizes, Sponsor may select additional potential winners, based on the above judging criteria, from remaining eligible entries.

8. Use of Social Media Posts. All entrants retain their copyright rights in and to the Social Media Posts. By entering this Promotion, each entrant grants Sponsor the irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide right to reproduce, distribute, publicly display, publish, and create derivative works of all Social Media Posts in connection with Sponsor’s mission to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease in any media now known or hereafter developed, including on Sponsor’s social media sites and websites, in publications and other promotional materials, as well as on merchandise. Sponsor does not need to obtain additional consent from entrants relating to, or to notify entrants prior to, the use of any submitted Social Media Posts. 

9. Odds; Taxes; Etc. Odds of winning a prize depend on the number and quality of eligible entries received. ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL TAXES ASSOCIATED WITH THE RECEIPT OR USE OF ANY PRIZE ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE WINNERS. All prizes will be awarded. Any prize may be forfeited and awarded to an alternative winner if (a) the winner affidavit and release materials (see Sections 13 and 14 below) are not returned as required from a potential winner, (b) if two (2) attempts to contact a potential winner by phone, e-mail and/or private message are not successful, (c) a potential winner is not able or is not interested in receiving the prize won, or (d) a prize is otherwise not claimed. Prizes are not transferable. No substitutions or exchanges (including for cash) of any prize will be permitted, except that Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a prize of equal or greater value for any prize. Limit one prize per household or address. 

10. Entrant. In the event of a dispute about the identity of the entrant, entries will be declared made by the authorized account holder of the social media account used for the submission at time of entry. An authorized account holder is defined as the natural person who is assigned to a social media account by an online service provider. The potential winners may be required to provide Sponsor with proof that they are the authorized account holders of the social media accounts associated with the winning entries. By entering the Promotion, all entrants consent to being placed on an e-mail mailing list to receive information from Sponsor and for other purposes in accordance with Sponsor’s Privacy Policy

11. Disclaimer. Sponsor and its directors, officers, consultants, professional advisors, employees and agents (collectively, the “Released Parties”) will not be responsible for: (a) any late, lost, misrouted, garbled or distorted or damaged transmissions or entries; (b) telephone, electronic, hardware, software, network, Internet, or other computer- or communications-related malfunctions or failures; (c) any Promotion disruptions, injuries, losses or damages caused by events beyond the control of Sponsor or by non-authorized human intervention; or (d) any printing or typographical errors in any materials associated with the Promotion.

12. General Release. By entering the Promotion, you release Sponsor, Instagram, Twitter and all Released Parties from any liability whatsoever, and waive any and all causes of action, related to any claims, costs, injuries, losses, or damages of any kind arising out of or in connection with the Promotion or delivery, misdelivery, acceptance, possession, use of or inability to use any prize (including, without limitation, claims, costs, injuries, losses and damages related to personal injuries, death, damage to or destruction of property, rights of publicity or privacy, defamation or portrayal in a false light, whether intentional or unintentional), whether under a theory of contract, tort (including negligence), warranty or other theory.

13. Use of Winner Name, Likeness, etc. Except where prohibited by law, entry into the Promotion constitutes permission to use winner’s name, hometown, likeness and/or prize information, without limitation, for promotional purposes without further permission or compensation. As a condition of being awarded any prize, except where prohibited by law, winners may be required to execute a consent to the use of his or her name, hometown, likeness and/or prize information, without limitation, for promotional purposes without further permission or compensation.

14. Affidavit & Release. As a condition of being awarded any prize, winners may be required to execute and deliver to Sponsor a signed affidavit of eligibility and acceptance of these Official Rules and release of liability, and any other legal, regulatory, or tax-related documents required by Sponsor in its sole discretion.

15. Winner List. For a copy of the winner list, send a stamped, self-addressed, business-size envelope before March 1, 2021 to Sponsor at the address listed below, Attn: #MyCleanAirStory Promotion. 

16. Miscellaneous. The Promotion and these Official Rules will be governed, construed and interpreted under the laws of the State of Illinois without regard to its or any other jurisdiction’s choice of law provisions. Entrants agree to be bound by these Official Rules and by the decisions of Sponsor, which are final and binding in all respects. Any provision of these Official Rules deemed unenforceable will be enforced to the extent permissible, and the remainder of these Official Rules will remain in effect. Sponsor reserves the right to change these Official Rules at any time, in its sole discretion, and to suspend or cancel the Promotion or any entrant’s participation in the Promotion should viruses, bugs, unauthorized human intervention or other causes beyond Sponsor’s control affect the administration, security or proper play of the Promotion, or Sponsor otherwise becomes (as determined in its sole discretion) incapable of running the Promotion as planned. Entrants who violate these Official Rules, violate any law, rule or regulation in connection with participation in the Promotion, tamper with the operation of the Promotion or engage in any conduct that is detrimental or unfair to Sponsor, the Promotion or any other entrant (in each case as determined in Sponsor’s sole discretion) are subject to disqualification from entry into the Promotion. Sponsor reserves the right to lock out persons whose eligibility is in question or who have been disqualified or are otherwise ineligible to enter the Promotion. Each entrant understands that this Promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed by, administered by or associated with Instagram or Twitter. Each entrant. By submitting an entry, each entrant acknowledges that he or she has read, understands and agrees to be bound by these Official Rules and warrants that his or her entries comply with these Official Rules.  

17. Questions. If you have any questions about these Official Rules or the Promotion, please e-mail them to or send written questions to American Lung Association, Attn: #MyCleanAirStory Promotion Questions, 55 West Wacker Drive, Suite 1150, Chicago, IL.

Page last updated: June 7, 2024

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