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Kay D., NM

I find it hard to believe that complacency has won out. I have lived in NM for 22 years. The biggest problem is that polluted air from Las Cruces and El Paso blow are way. Fracking and increased oil production is making our state a sewer. A lot of days I can barely breath with nonstop coughing.  

Every year it gets steadily worse and I have had a thorough pulmonary exam and they can find nothing. There are no reports about our air quality that measures ozone that I can find? Many complain of a non-stop cough and post nasal drip to include headaches. It's to the point that I want to move, but where? If we do not speak out there will be no clean air to breath anywhere. 

We do not have a strong enough voice here in NM. Many rebelled against fracking up north and still they have increased production. The US is the biggest oil producer now? Most people are not aware. I want to make a difference in educating people. I could not find definitive information myself in taking a position on it. 
We did have great air just 10 years ago and I finally found your information to prove we are in grave trouble. It is so bad that we must have air filters and only go out in the morning and at night to prevent serious ozone sickness and its winter? Wind and forest fires are just compounding the problem. 
Asthma Basics Workshop
Jacksonville, FL | Feb 19, 2025
Fight For Air Climb - Columbus, OH
Columbus, OH | Feb 22, 2025