Ashley G

Ashley G., SC

My grandmother's name is Virginia and she was 75 years old and had been sick for awhile off and on. December 25th 2018, Christmas Day, she fainted and we had her go to the hospital at this time she was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and they told us she had fluid on her lungs. They of course gave her medication she was able to go home and started to feel ok but never got better. 

In late May 2019 she became really sick to the point she could hardly breathe and she was refusing to go to the hospital. My grandmother and I have a strong bond and I am the only one in the family she will listen to so I asked her to please go to the hospital and she agreed. On the way to the hospital, EMS had to pull over because her stats dropped so low and she was admitted.

After several test we were told she had fluid on her lungs after further testing a few days later we were told she had pulmonary fibrosis. When receiving the news of this new diagnosis we were told she would have 1 to 5 years left with us and she would need rehab and therapy after the hospital. The next day things took a turn for the worst and we were told she had a few day to a few weeks at the most and she would go home on hospice. We were at the hospital with her every day for 2 weeks until she was able to come home on hospice where she survived for 4 days. In that time I watched my grandmother decline. I watched as her breathing got worse, she couldn't talk, she was in pain, she wasn't eating, her body was failing her.

My grandmother was a godly woman and because of her I am the woman I am today so I know she is in heaven healed breathing and loving her eternal life. That puts me at peace knowing one day I will be with her again. Pulmonary fibrosis took my grandmother, it took a bond from me that kills me everyday but it brought awareness to my family. I work in the medical field and before this I knew what the diagnosis was but never knew how much it impacts a patient and the family. I will forever spread awareness of this disease as it takes life way to soon and more awareness can help another families.

First Published: October 10, 2019

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