National Advocacy Archive

Find testimony, comments, letters, and legal briefs the American Lung Association has submitted to Congress and federal agencies in support of our public policy agenda.

Jun 06, 2023

Letter to Committee on Education and Workforce re Healthcare Affordability Mark-Up

Jun 06, 2023

Lung Association Comments to OIRA re 12866 meetings

Jun 06, 2023

Health Partner Comments to OIRA re 12866 Meetings

Jun 05, 2023

American Lung Association Comments re: FY 2024 Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities Prospective Payment System-Rate Update

Jun 02, 2023

Health Partner Comments re Alabama SUD 1115 Waiver

Jun 01, 2023

Mariela Ruacho Testimony – EPA Waiver Hearing – Commercial Harbor Craft

Jun 01, 2023

American Lung Association Comments to CMS re Part D Redesign

May 31, 2023

Partnership to Protect Coverage Letter to HHS re Medicaid Unwinding

May 30, 2023

Public Health Groups’ Letter to House of Representatives re HR 901

May 23, 2023

Health Partner Comments re Arkansas 1115 Waiver

Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Parma, OH
Parma, OH | Aug 20, 2024
Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Cleveland, OH
Cleveland, OH | Sep 25, 2024