Cleaner Trucks

Join us in calling for a nationwide switch to zero-emission trucks.

Switching to zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles – like trucks and buses – saves lives by reducing harmful air pollution. Plus, it’s a critical part of the solution for addressing climate change.

Here’s the great news: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the White House recently finalized strong rules to reduce emissions from heavy-duty vehicles nationwide. These standards will save lives. And they’re popular – our poll shows that 7 in 10 voters support EPA action to clean up truck pollution.

Now, EPA must build on its work and take additional steps toward a zero-emission transportation future. And states must adopt a policy called the Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) rule to drive toward a zero-emission future for heavy-duty vehicles. 

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States Coordinating on Zero-Emission Trucks​

Read Our Reports

We’ve put out three reports on the health benefits of a nationwide transition to zero-emission vehicles, including trucks, and clean electricity.
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Learn the benefits of the transition to zero-emission vehicles and clean electricity in your state.
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Page last updated: September 10, 2024

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