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Amy G., OH

I have very bad allergies. I live in the Cleveland, Ohio area. I have a family history of congestive heart failure, strokes, high blood pressure, Parkinson's disease and muscular dystrophy.

My uncles on my mother's side both had muscular dystrophy and both died of pneumonia as a result. My two nephews also have muscular dystrophy. One is 33-years-old. The other one stopped breathing and passed away at the age of 34.

My older granddaughter had bleeding in her lungs until about age 5. They never were able to determine the cause. She is now 7-years-old.

I would like to have better air to breathe, so I can go outside and do my yard work and not have an allergy attack every time I vacuum! At age 55, I worry about my heart disease risks. My mother and grandmother died of congestive heart failure. I have two granddaughters to live for!

First Published: August 6, 2015

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