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Christine R., PA

In Cambria County, Pennsylvania, where I was born and raised, most men worked in the coalmines. Grandfathers and fathers were dying from black lung disease, but no one knew much about asthma.

As a country we're finally at the point where our air and water is being protected, and we even have preventative treatment for asthma. But with the rising levels of asthma cases, how can we even think of toying with the idea of reducing that protection? It seems un-American!

Both of my daughters suffer from some form of asthma. A portable nebulizer, and a backpack carrying albuterol, aero-chamber, preventative asthma inhaler, antihistamine, and epinephrine are always on hand to 'rescue' Annie in any emergency event.

My grandfather died from black lung disease. I know what can happen when the air you breathe and the water you drink become polluted.

First Published: April 11, 2013

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