Janan T

Janan T., FL

I love to garden and enjoy planting exotic, colorful flowering shrubs in my yard here in Florida. As a transplanted Northerner, I don’t think I’ll ever completely get used to the heat in the summer, but this year was particularly difficult as it seems hotter, more humid and hazier than ever before. The weather has been wreaking havoc with my allergies, making my eyes itch and creating chronic congestion in my lungs. I don’t remember my allergies ever being this bad and it has made me very concerned about the air quality not only here in Florida, but everywhere in the country. I am also concerned about efforts to dismantle or weaken the Clean Air Act. I applaud the American Lung Association’s stand on keeping our air quality standards strong and effective in order to protect the public's health now and in the future.

First Published: September 5, 2017

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