Addressing Tobacco Use in Hispanic or Latino Communities

Resources in Spanish and English to help you or a loved one quit smoking and vaping.

Tobacco and E-Cigarette Resources

E-Cig Fact Sheet for Parents

E-Cig Fact Sheet for Schools

E-Cig Fact Sheet for Teens

What is Secondhand Smoke?

Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Facts About Hookah

What is Thirdhand Smoke?

Tobacco Cessation Resource for Teens

Tobacco Education Resources for Teens

Quit Smoking Ad

COVID-19 & Tobacco

The Dangers of E-Cigarettes Trifold

The Impact of E-cigarettes on the Lungs

The Truth About E-Cigarettes Brochure

What is Secondhand Aerosol from E-Cigarettes?

Is Lung Cancer Screening Right for Me?

American Lung Association Programs

Tobacco Programs Postcard


INDEPTH Postcard

INDEPTH Rackcard


ABOUT N-O-T (Not On Tobacco)

N-O-T ALA Trifold

N-O-T Postcard QR Code

N-O-T Rackcard QR Code

About the Vape Free Schools Initiative

Freedom From Smoking 728x90 ad

Quick Reference Guides

Advising on Cessation Medications

Ask-Advise-Refer (AAR)

Building a Tobacco Treatment Plan

Getting Ready for Your Next Office Visit—Quitting Tobacco Use

Motivational Interviewing

Quit Attempts

Should My Patients be Screened for Lung Cancer?

Stages of Change

Tips to Quit

Using Scaling to Assess Readiness to Quit

Why It's Hard to Quit

Youth Cessation: Ask-Counsel-Treat (ACT)

Page last updated: June 7, 2024

Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Parma, OH
Parma, OH | Aug 20, 2024
Freedom From Smoking Clinic - Cleveland, OH
Cleveland, OH | Sep 25, 2024