Current Asthma by State, 2022
State Child Adult
  Count Percent Year Count Percent
Alabama 72,900 7.1%   378,700 9.6%
Alaska --- ---   58,700 10.7%
Arizona 129,200 8.1% 2016 556,000 9.7%
Arkansas --- ---   243,000 10.5%
California 430,700 5.6%   2,629,500 8.7%
Colorado --- ---   500,100 10.8%
Connecticut 55,800 8.2%   356,700 12.4%
Delaware --- ---   79,000 9.9%
District of Columbia 12,300 9.7% 2021 60,400 11.1%
Florida 213,600 5.2%   1,646,600 9.3%
Georgia 184,500 7.8%   802,800 9.6%
Hawaii 26,600 9.2%   103,200 9.1%
Idaho --- ---   162,000 11.1%
Illinois 117,100 4.5%   856,500 8.7%
Indiana 116,500 8.1%   574,400 11.0%
Iowa 41,600 5.8% 2011 238,700 9.7%
Kansas 48,800 7.5%   237,700 10.7%
Kentucky 88,000 9.5%   377,400 10.8%
Louisiana 94,100 8.8% 2015 351,900 10.0%
Maine 15,200 6.7%   146,000 13.1%
Maryland 77,300 6.0%   499,100 10.3%
Massachusetts 125,500 10.2%   633,100 11.3%
Michigan 137,400 6.8%   935,700 11.9%
Minnesota 67,200 5.5%   434,500 9.9%
Mississippi 42,700 6.9%   211,100 9.4%
Missouri 104,800 8.1%   497,200 10.4%
Montana 14,000 6.3%   102,600 11.7%
Nebraska 21,700 4.7%   121,400 8.1%
Nevada 46,800 7.2% 2020 251,200 10.1%
New Hampshire 10,700 4.5%   148,300 13.1%
New Jersey 119,000 6.4%   --- 8.9%
New Mexico 43,200 9.7%   171,200 10.4%
New York 319,000 8.3%   1,611,000 10.3%
North Carolina 250,600 11.5% 2014 764,900 9.2%
North Dakota 10,000 6.5% 2012 61,900 10.4%
Ohio 163,800 6.8%   1,042,400 11.4%
Oklahoma 88,700 9.8% 2016 373,900 12.3%
Oregon 55,000 6.9% 2019 389,800 11.5%
Pennsylvania 240,300 9.9%   1,033,700 10.1%
Puerto Rico 70,100 10.4% 2021 356,400 12.2%
Rhode Island 52,100 10.1%   117,300 13.3%
South Carolina 13,300 6.7%   368,900 9.0%
South Dakota --- ---   56,600 8.3%
Tennessee 139,200 9.7% 2014 636,300 11.7%
Texas 451,800 6.4% 2021 1,760,700 7.9%
Utah 524,600 7.4%   266,100 11.0%
Vermont 65,600 7.2%   68,100 12.9%
Virginia 8,800 7.9%   671,100 9.9%
Washington 115,900 7.3% 2016 667,200 10.9%
West Virginia 34,600 9.4% 2014 181,400 12.9%
Wisconsin 76,900 6.2% 2021 503,300 10.9%
Wyoming 79,300 6.7%   47,000 10.5%
United States* --- 7.0%   25,987,400 9.9%

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2011-2022. Analysis by the American Lung Association Epidemiology and Statistics Unit.

  • * National child asthma prevalence is based on data from 31 states and Washington, D.C.
  • Child asthma data is from 2018 unless an earlier year is noted, in which case that is the most recent year of data available. If a state has not collected child asthma data since 2011, no rate is listed.

Page last updated: June 13, 2024

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