Trends in COPD by Race/Ethnicity, Sex and Age

Trends in COPD by Race/Ethnicity, Sex and Age
  Total (2) White Black Other Hispanic
  Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate
2019 11,569,331 4.6% 8,892,011 5.6% 1,109,213 3.8% 520,342 2.5% 1,047,766 2.5%
2020 12,544,311 5.0% 9,789,095 6.2% 1,374,106 4.7% 662,997 3.0% 718,114 1.7%
2021 11,700,060 4.6% 9,105,448 5.7% 1,286,809 4.4% 494,863 2.3% 812,941 1.9%
2022 11,683,863 4.6% 8,787,343 5.6% 1,234,630 4.1% 628,880 2.8% 1,033,009 2.3%
  Male Female 18-44 45-64 65+
  Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate
2019 4,927,122 4.1% 6,642,209 5.1% 1,520,057 1.3% 4,559,776 5.5% 5,489,499 10.3%
2020 5,245,330 4.3% 7,298,981 5.6% 1,699,743 1.5% 4,942,827 6.0% 5,901,742 10.8%
2021 4,829,624 4.0% 6,870,437 5.3% 1,477,146 1.3% 4,273,104 5.3% 5,949,810 10.5%
2022 5,093,988 4.1% 6,589,874 5.0% 1,736,051 1.5% 4,429,644 5.4% 5,518,168 9.7%

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Center for Health Statistics. National Health Interview Survey, 2019-2022. Analysis by the American Lung Assocation Research and Program Services Division using SPSS software.

  1. COPD prevalence was defined as answering yes to "Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, C.O.P.D., emphysema, or chronic bronchitis?"
  2. Due to rounding, numbers across may not sum up to totals.
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